CERT Advocacy Day
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern
Event Registration
Event Description
We are inviting CERT volunteers to join us at Capitol Hill! The National CERT Association (NCA) will be advocating for Congress to provide more funding for CERT programs, including grants directly to CERT Programs.
The NCA is encouraging conference attendees to meet with their elected officials. A template will be provided for conference attendees to use when engaging their elected officials.
All participants will be required to sign a code of conduct policy.
CERT Volunteers will be asked to wear a CERT vest. First responders and emergency managers will be asked to wear their uniforms if appropriate. A group photo will be taken during the event at the Capitol.
What is an Advocacy Day?
Advocacy days are a common occurrence at the Capitol. Advocacy days usually consist of large groups of people showing up to bring attention to their organization and/or issue and send a message to elected officials.What to Expect During NCA CERT Advocacy Day
The NCA CERT Advocacy Day will consist of three parts: 1.) Gathering at the Capitol; 2.) Meetings with elected officials; and 3.) a reception at the Capitol.The NCA is encouraging conference attendees to meet with their elected officials. A template will be provided for conference attendees to use when engaging their elected officials.
Code of Conduct
All participants will be required to sign a code of conduct policy.
Dress Code
CERT Volunteers will be asked to wear a CERT vest. First responders and emergency managers will be asked to wear their uniforms if appropriate. A group photo will be taken during the event at the Capitol.Reception
A popular event during advocacy days is to host a reception at the Capitol. Elected officials are invited to attend these receptions to meet with the group’s members. A welcome reception will be held on Tuesday, July 23rd from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM.Location
Setting: In-Person
Capitol Hill (exact meeting location will be emailed)
Washington, DC 20004
click here for Google Maps
Capitol Hill (exact meeting location will be emailed)
Washington, DC 20004
click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
Frances Whalen
(phone: 202-255-6171)
(phone: 202-255-6171)
Email Reminder
Event Documents/Images
CERT Advocacy Day Flyer
Flyer for CERT Advocacy Day
Flyer for CERT Advocacy Day